Does Every Woman Have an Eating Disorder?: We’ve Moved!

When I began writing this blog in 2006(!), all I really wanted to do was find the motivation to write a book. In 2014, the DEWHAED book was published, realizing that goal.

During this process, I published hundreds of posts, interacted with people around the globe (even meeting some of them in person), and continued to stand by my mission of helping women eat and live in peace.

Once the book was published, I thought I’d shut down this blog, as the job I’d set out to do was done. But every time I wanted to shut it down, I’d receive another blogging award, and I’d feel some sort of responsibility for continuing to churn out content.

But in the last couple of years, I started another blog, affiliated with my therapy practice (where we see clients in Miami and all over Florida, New York, and California online), and keeping up with two blogs has proved to be too challenging.

So, the time has come to say goodbye to the blog that wrote the book.

I invite you to follow me on the Gatewell Therapy Center blog, where I’ve already published a number of posts on eating and body issues. Here are some recent entries:

10 Benefits of Exercise that Having Nothing to Do with Weight

On Entering Eating Disorder Residential Treatment

Let the Kids Eat Sugar!

You can also follow me on social media for more eating/body image material that promotes recovery, Health at Every Size?, and living peacefully and authentically:

IG: @drstaceyny @gatewelltherapy
FB: @drstaceyrosenfeld @gatewelltherapycenter
Twitter: @drstaceyla

Thank you to all my readers for your interest, your engagement, and your support. I so appreciate you presence over these last 13 years.


You can find 
Does Every Woman Have an Eating Disorder? Challenging Our Nation’s Fixation with Food and Weight on Amazon (as a paperback and Kindle) and at

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