Do’s and Don’ts of Healthy Dieting and Healthy Weight Loss

It seems our society has a never-ending fixation on weight loss and being thin. While shedding excess weight can mean a healthier, more energized you, there are right ways and wrong ways to go about dieting and weight loss. Here are some do’s and don’ts of healthy dieting and weight loss. Do Find healthy alternatives to your favorite “guilty pleasure” foods. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, or tend to get the munchies during the day, take some time to find healthy alternatives that satisfy your cravings without adding extra inches around your waistline. Eat foods that will keep you feeling fuller longer. Doing so will help you avoid overeating. Protein and fiber-rich foods are the best foods for satisfying appetite. Apples, whole grains, fish and beans are examples of food your body will digest slowly, allowing you to get the nutrients needed for your body to thrive, without taking in too many calories. Learn how to shop for healthy foods. While at the grocery store, stick to the outside aisles where you’ll find natural foods, fresh produce, meat and seafood. Avoid the inside aisles where most processed foods are located. Read nutrition labels and don’t be sold by the packaging of food products alone. The more colorful the foods in your shopping cart, the better. Purchase a rainbow of colors in fruits and vegetables to ensure you are buying healthy, nutrient rich foods. Drink plenty of water. Your body needs water to function properly and to metabolize fat. If […]
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