Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement – Now Out!

My book, Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement is published today by HammerOn Press. You can get it directly from the publisher, in bookshops, from all the usual online sellers. Paperback, hardback and EPUB formats are available.

HammerOn and I decided to publish the book today because for many people it is the first miserable day back at work after the holidays. It’s the peak of New Year diet season misery, where people realise what their pledges to lose weight actually entail. We thought that readers deserved something better: a tool to help them incite revolution in an accessible way.

Oh yeah, we made a video.

In Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement I write about what people say about fat activism, how they’re quite limited and how you need different methods to talk about what it actually is. I describe what my peers do, where this stuff comes from and some of the ways in which it travels. Towards the end of the book I explain how it has stagnated and how that could be remedied. I use queer feminism, anti-colonialism and disability to talk about this stuff.

Me, holding my book for the first time

The first responses from people who pre-ordered it have been very positive. The general feeling is that this is an exciting book that reveals useful and important things about fat activism, and activism in general. This is heart-warming for me to hear because I think I have written a book that anybody might enjoy.

Bethan Evans snapped this at News From Nowhere in Liverpool
Look, it’s with the other political books, no longer stuck in ‘Health’.

(c) Obesity Timebomb – Read entire story here.