Happy Valentine’s Day!


I want you to know that I am thankful for all of you that come here, read what I have to write and let me know that you care.  No matter who you are or what your circumstance might be know that we are all on this journey together.  There are times I feel alone and I allow myself to dwell in a place of self pity.  We must not do that.  Food can only be a temporary comfort.  I have gone back to it time and time again in my life only to find it lacking in the end.  Though it has been hard I am crawling back out into the light.  The last month has been a time of self reflection.  And through many comments and encouraging insights from many of you I am beginning to feel once again that I can find my way towards peace with food.  I want that for myself and I want that for you.  Valentine’s Day can be tough for some and so I’d like to share with you some past writings of mine.  I can’t honestly say that I feel in the best place I could be right now but when I read some of the things I have written in the past I am reminded of what is important.  Sometimes we must remind ourselves of past times when we felt hopeful.  That lets us know that if we felt that at one time…we can feel that again.  Hope is in moving forward not looking back.  So let us look back only to remind ourselves that we have conquered things before and we will conquer them again!!  I love you all and have a wonderful day!

Valentines Day For Those Who Feel Alone

(c) 300 Pounds Down – Read entire story here.