Help! My Twin Wants Her Own Birthday

Dear Mouthy Housewives,

My twins are about to turn seven and one of them is up in arms about it. She does not want to celebrate her birthday with her twin sister. She wants her own birthday. Her own everything! I don’t have the money to throw them two parties and that seems ridiculous anyway. What can I do to calm her down?


It’s Her Birthday and She’ll Cry If She Wants To

Help! My Twin Wants Her Own Birthday
Public Domain Image via Pixabay.

Dear It’s Her Birthday and She’ll Cry If She Wants To,

Yes, at some point, it dawns on every twin (or triplet, etc) that they don’t have their own birthday. Except for the parents who figured out how to have one twin at 11:50 p.m. on one day and the other at 12:05 a.m. the following day. But that’s very hard to pull off.

Your daughter wants her own special day and I kind of get her argument. Why should she have to share such a precious day?! There is so much damn sharing in life! My advice is to let her “birthday” be the day before or the day after the real one. She can pick. That way, she can truly be celebrated for the individual that she is and you can act as if they really have two different birthdays. If getting two cakes is too much, get them each a more economical birthday donut.

The party is a different matter because of financial concerns. Let your daughters know that they have a choice … they can have a party together or they can each celebrate individually by just taking a few friends to an activity like a movie or play space.

Of course, they are going to have to reach an agreement on that one. But the art of compromise is a lesson that needs to be learned — whether you are a twin or not.

Good luck!

Kelcey, TMH

(c) BlogHer – Read entire story here.