Homecoming | Deeper Cravings

This is one of the most beautiful times of the year no doubt but for many of us? it can also a hectic time of incredible stress, toxic comparisons, feelings of inadequacy and deep loneliness.?

Listen to my conversation with Jon Dewaal host of the Life in Transitions podcast as we explore a path to peace amidst the relentless swirl and flurry that life can often bring our way.?


We discuss how the practical and accessible tool of mindfulness not only restores our sense of self but also has the power to pierce through self criticism such as body hatred and bring balance when life presents us with its darkest challenges.

Wishing you a peaceful holiday season where you are able to find a moment of stillness. Allow yourself a delicious homecoming this holiday season by the simplicity of being captivated by the tiniest of sparkle against the December night sky.??? ?

Join our conversation by leaving your thoughts and experiences in the comments and be sure to subscribe to Jon’s podcast through iTunes!



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