How Chris Ditched Diets & Lost Weight |119

Have you considered hiring a coach for emotional eating help or considered joining an emotional eating program like Your Missing Peace? Have you wondered what it would be like or how a coaching program is different from the other things you’ve tried? Has the idea of ditching diets and doing things differently appealed to you – but you can’t quite picture what this would look like? Or, are you like many women, afraid that if you step off the diet and deprivation hamster wheel you’ll have to abandon any goal that’s related to weight loss?

Years of dieting, fighting with the scale, obsessing about the scale and feeling like success always came down to the daily weigh-in. That’s where Chris was, and her decision to pursue private coaching and work with me to change her overeating wasn’t one she made lightly. “I had tried everything… all of the traditional things that women do… it wasn’t working.” In this episode we have a candid conversation about her experience with working with me. What coaching for emotional eating help was like, the parts that were dissatisfying, her growth and wins, and where she is now.


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