Have you ever thought about your pattern of overeating or emotional eating and thought that it’s so entrenched or so tangled up that you’ll never be able to change it? Spending time on the overeating/diet/overeating hamster wheel is not only exhausting, it takes a toll on your beliefs. Over time you lose confidence. You question your own inner strength. Sometimes you question whether your goal is even possible, or whether you need to be “more realistic.” Diets teach you to make unrealistic promises to yourself – things that you will do “perfectly” when this isn’t possible. You’re not unusual if you feel less confident in this area of your life. You aren’t alone if you don’t really trust yourself with food or with eating or with hunger. You aren’t the only smart woman who isn’t sure what to eat or even if she “should” eat right now. How does this happen?
In this episode I’m sharing one story that is actually the story for many, many women. Once you understand how trust is lost, you’ll also be clearer on how to begin to rebuild self-trust and ultimately, how to feel confident and powerful with your eating again.
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