I love being a mom! Having a horrible 3rd trimester has made new parenthood seem like a breeze. I…

I love being a mom! Having a horrible 3rd trimester has made new parenthood seem like a breeze. I was warned several times that being a new parent is incredibly hard. When I explained how pregnancy had become disabling, a few people responded by telling me I should “enjoy” my pregnancy while I could because being a new parent would be so much harder. 

Well, toward the end of my pregnancy I was already only getting 3 hours of sleep per night and hardly leaving the house, but now instead of it being because of pain, it’s because I have to take care of this cute lil bundle! Vast improvement if you ask me!

I think again I was dealing with a preference for the male perspective. We hear about how hard it is to be a new parent in part because it effects dad too (though not as much as mom, especially if you breast feed!). It was all men who warned me that being a new parent would be harder rather than having sympathy for my pregnancy experience. Showing an utter lack of imagination, they just couldn’t relate.

(c) Radical Body Positive – Read entire story here.