I Stand with Israel – BeautyBeyondBones

I stand with Israel.

There are no words to describe the evil occurring in Israel right now. The raping, mutilating and kidnapping of Israeli women, children and elderly by Hamas. It is gut wrenching to see what our Israeli brothers and sisters are enduring right now.

But to be honest, my voice has no authority to speak to the atrocities and devastation. So I will share someone who does:

I’m sharing Ben Shapiro’s episode today for you to watch. For those who don’t know, he is a devout Jew, and was just in Israel on Friday: missing the attacks by only 12 hours.

And his words for and about his people are powerful. And I highly suggest you watch this graphic episode. And yes: watch. Because we need to see the violence, and not hide from the gruesome reality of it. We need to look it in the face so as to be moved to stand up to it. **I cannot embed the video because it has graphic, age-restricted footage from Israel in it, and WordPress does not allow that type of content, but here is the link: https://youtu.be/U-b5ZOEcLOM?si=kvIgcIvSNuLEfHgS

Let us pray for our Israeli brothers and sisters who are under attack in the Middle East. Let us pray for peace in the middle east and the protection of all those fighting and standing up against the evil of Hamas. And let us pray for Jews all across the globe who are hurting, fearful and have lost loved ones.

God bless America, and God bless Israel.

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