If you dare~3 powerful resolutions

i promise to...I both love and hate New Year’s resolutions.

Love making resolutions because they are about hope and taking action and having a vision of creating more goodness in our lives.

I hate them because they’ve become trite and mostly about broken promises. Who actually sticks to what they so passionately declare come January 1st? Not many people I’ve met.

*Read all the way to the bottom, I have something for you. xo

But what if you did things a bit differently- got to nurture the flame of inspiration while taking action in ways that work?

And what if you set very different goals, instead of the overwhelming, vague sort that we typically toss after a week or two. The same ones year in and out.

I have a few ideas.These are bold and will challenge who you have been and what you’ve believed. At least one of these will tug at you a bit. I suspect you will want to ignore most of them, especially the one that keeps circling back through your mind even though you want nothing to do with it.

Hint- that’s the one.
It’s the best one for you because it’s already speaking to you even if your fears say nuh-uh. I’m betting it will be a great big huge game-changer if you move towards it. For now just be curious about how making that one shift might change things.

Here’s the other thing about how to make this different. Commit for 30 days. Even 30 days is a big reach for most of us. Don’t think about all of 2016. Think about the next 4 weeks.

If you’re still with me, here are 3 suggestions for finding a new way of being you that will ripple through every area of your life and truly change who you are becoming.

1. Fast from the past. This is a massive paradigm shift. One I am practicing myself at present. If it’s true that we are all addicted to telling the story of our self/life we’ve concocted, then not telling it is a challenge. It means we get to breathe into more of what is true. Live what is true, release the hold of all those negative beliefs we’ve been buying into. So if this is the one for you, you don’t get to talk about the past, mention it, complain about it. You eliminate what’s happened to you from all communication for now. What will give this major oomph will be how often you notice how much you want to qualify who you are via your past and how attached you are to it. Instead, you get to live in present time. Which is super good for your health and mind and your evolution as a powerful and authentic being. Remember, 30 days… make it specific.

2. Pick a grudge, any grudge. Or 2 or 3..not more though. Keep it manageable and focused. Pick the one(s) that cause you to hemorrhage energy…That your mind can’t stop returning to. This could be an ex, a parent, sibling, former friend, business partner. Or it could be the neighbor with the dog that drives you nuts. It could be from last week or from 30 years ago. Choose to let it go. When thoughts and commentary about that person or incident want to arise, take 5 deep breaths and focus on your body, and come into the present moment. Count the breaths, remind yourself you are right here right now, and bless them, their imperfections, and your own. This is hard. Don’t expect otherwise. Before you go to sleep at night, send them blessings and mean it. Now that’s a resolution that’s going to make a difference. Trust me on this. Really. And watch how much better you can feel, and how much better you can be.

3. Watch your words. As you know I adore and study with Caroline Myss. She doesn’t mince words and has done a lot to shift how I think about things. I was in a class with her a few years ago and somebody was talking about losing weight or a diet. Caroline suggested that we try cutting out the phrase “I deserve” for 30 days. She takes a powerful stand against any kind of entitlement and also linked that feeling/belief to addictive behaviors. And I would agree that most people right before they eat the cookie, have the drink, overspend, cheat on the spouse say essentially, “I had a bad day and so I deserve _____” in one form or another. But listen for how you use the word ‘deserve’. This is another resolution that will really tidy up your character and bring more integrity and honor into your way of being with yourself and life. Dare you.

I deeply believe that these are the kinds of changes that permanently alter what we are made of and the way things unfold. I want that for you.

And to help you make the biggest best most beautiful changes right here and now…
New Year’s Love~

I want to offer you this special pairing (while only paying for one!)
New visions, fresh starts all go better with focused support and prescriptive personal solutions. And..because I so believe in the beautiful and powerful nature of bringing healing rituals to beautify your body, your home, your relationships…everything.

I made this self-love retreat with over 100 pages so you could create your own plan for making your whole life feel beautiful- and release whatever got in the way. Fill up and release. That’s the focus.

Just for January~ When you purchase my You Are The Temple digital program, I’ll include a 45-minute individual session via skype or phone. You’ll have a plan, rituals, some intuitive guidance and suggestions of where to point your attention and energies and where to release. Just email me back.

I’m on your side, cheering you on, seeing the highest most gifted and lovable vision of you possible (and coach you from that place, where everything can get seriously good!).

With so so much love, my heart to yours!

The post If you dare~3 powerful resolutions appeared first on IntuitiveBody.

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