katiescarlett-speaks: This video barely scratches the surface,…


This video barely scratches the surface, but its a great introduction and a way to share stories in hopes of helping others be that through education or solidarity.

If you want a more detailed video about my specific chronic pain/spoonie journey let me know by sending me a message, or replying in the comments!

The Chronic Pain Tag was created by @annieelainey, you can view her channel here- go check her out and subscribe!

ANNIE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCznS…

The Chronic Pain Tag (Explanation): https://youtu.be/CSFIO0Z_e3c

If you want to participate in this tag here are the questions:

#TheChronicPainTag Questions

1) How/when did your chronic pain begin?

2) What kind of pain do you experience? What does it feel like?

3) Is it consistent or on and off?

4) Do you have of any specific triggers for your pain?

5) How does your pain limit you?

6) How do you cope with your pain?

7) When are you most comfortable?

8) How do you feel least supported?

9) How do you feel most supported?

(c) STOP HATING YOUR BODY – Read entire story here.