Keto (SCD) Weekly Meal Prep – BeautyBeyondBones

Hello from set!

I have a modeling job all week, which means that I’m having lunch away from home! And when you’re on the Specific Carb Diet, that means that I’ve got to bring my own! Craft services — aka the free pizza, sandwiches, donuts and chips that are served at every shoot — just won’t cut it.

So I thought it’d be fun to share what/how I meal prep for the week!

Cajun Shrimp and Avocado Kale Salad (recipe here!)
Pumpkin Seeds
Carrot Sticks
RX Bar – Vanilla Almond (the best flavor)

The “How To’s”

Sunday night before the shoot, I set out five glass containers for the salad and will prep all the veggies, salad, etc — and 3 days worth of the shrimp. (Any more than that, and it’s not going to be the most fresh.)

I will dice 2 cups of carrots, 2 whole red bell peppers, and cut another 8 or 9 large carrots into carrot sticks.

So I cook a big batch of shrimp in 2 Tbsp EVOO and Old Bay seasoning. Then set aside to cool.

Next, in a large bowl, I massage a bundle of curly kale. I drizzle 2-3 Tbsp good EVOO (this Greek olive oil from Whole Foods is divine!) over the kale, and sprinkle it with several healthy pinches of sea salt. Then, with clean hands, I go in there and massage it — as though I was hand washing clothes.

After about 30 seconds, it will become a beautiful, deep emerald green color. Then I divide that up between my five containers.

Then, I will add to each bed of kale 1/4 cup diced carrots, 1/4 cup diced red peppers, 1/4 cup grape tomatoes, 1/4 cup fresh blueberries.

Once the shrimp has cooled, I will add the shrimp to each salad, put the lid on, and pop in the fridge. (On the day-of, I will bring half of an avocado with me, and add it to my salad at lunch time).

This is so filling and delicious. The avocado absolutely makes this dish! And it’s so easy to make. You can have the entire meal prep finished in less than 20 minutes.

One quick note, you will notice that I only cooked half of the week’s worth of shrimp. On Wednesday night, I will cook the remaining two day’s worth of shrimp that evening so they’re fresh for lunch.

Couple that bomb salad with some pumpkin seeds, an RX bar and some carrots and you’ve got one heck of a delicious meal!

I also bring some snacks with me to have on hand on set, because days are LONG and often times there’s quite a bit of down time. So, some of my favorites to bring are:

Apple Chips – get the Cinnamon variety

Lara Bars – their Carrot Cake flavor is my favorite!

Raw Almonds

What are some of your favorite meal prep meals?

Here’s a sneak peak at one of my YouTube shorts!

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“This is what the Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ez 37:5


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