Looking Good 

Dear Skinny Ladies,

When was the last time you didn’t buy something because you looked fat in it? Most people can say pretty recently. Trying on a cute dress in a store and realizing it just doesn’t look good on you because it’s clinging to your fat thighs or stomach. There’s this idea of perfection, looking perfect, always in the back of your mind. That’s the reason we do it. Or at least one of the major ones. So your daily dose of inspiration… It will be worth it. To see an outfit in a store and be able to just buy it. To buy something online and not even have to try it on, you’ll just know it looks good. To take a billion Instagram photos in your new hot bikini on spring break. To look good in anything. Stay strong babies, and you will get there!

xoxo L

(c) The Pro-Ana Lifestyle Forever – Read entire story here.