Mindful eating infographic

I was asked about true hunger and i thought i would post this infographic about mindful eating, and then answer the actual question with my own tips and advice in another post. But i thought this inforgraphic was rather good.

Though it it us to you about how “mindful” you actually want to be, because sometimes in recovery its better to not be so mindful and to just eat… not be acutely aware of every bite you take and obsessively taking 30 chews each bite and taking an hour to finish a small meal. Mindful eating is usually a good thing to try to do if you struggle with binge eating or over eating, then it can be good to not get super distraced while eating but also to try to eat with others and have things to do after the meals.

But my advice regarding “true hunger” and mindless hunger will be posted a little later today or sometime Friday-Sunday 🙂 Hopefully, anyway!

(c) A Life without Anorexia – Read entire story here.