Moving at 39 Weeks Pregnant (YIKES) – BeautyBeyondBones

Hey friends! And happy Thursday! I don’t know about you, but it seems like these weeks here are absolutely flyyyying by at breakneck speed!

Shop this look!


But I guess I haven’t really buried the lead on this post but….we officially sold our condo! The paperwork is signed, and all we have to do now is wait for closing!

First time in our condo as homeowners, back in 2022!

Oh — and pack up our entire condo!


But here’s the real kicker…well, two things really.

1). Our closing date is just eight days before my due date window begins. EIGHT DAYS!! OMG!!!

But if that’s not hectic enough…

2). The people who we bought our new house from still haven’t found a house to buy. And — since it was a pocket listing with five other offers, the way we made our offer “stand out” was by giving them until OCTOBER to find a place and move out. *The part of town where they need to move has incredibly low inventory.*

Sooooo, what does that mean for us?? We will be moving all of our things into storage, and moving in with my parents for a month or so…and resultantly: have our baby at their house.

Which, isn’t a huge deal because a) that actually sounds like a lot of fun — and incredibly HELPFUL! And b) their house is just down the street from our new house!

But still — we are rapidly approaching our due date with – no plan, nothing set up, – no clear cut timeline of things. We are literally (figuratively) flying by the seat of our pants!

But we said, OK, what do we really need to have this baby? We need each other, diapers and a basinet. Done.

But I’m really just handing everything over to God and trusting that everything is going to be okay. Otherwise, I would just spiral into a worrisome mess fretting about all this!

I was reading my favorite pregnancy book last night, “Nine Months with God and Your Baby: Spiritual Preparation for Birth” and the part I read felt like it was written just for me.

It was a reflection how Mary and Joseph, when Jesus’ birth was imminent, they also had no plan, truly. They were traveling to Bethlehem, as they were required to register there, and all the inns were turning them away. And Mary literally gave birth in a manger, surrounded by animals. Talk about the most epic delivery-with-no-plan ever!

But reading that really resonated with me that everything is going to be okay.

God always provides, and His plan is always good and perfect.

It may not always look how we envision, but in the end, it is always right for us.

And I just have to trust that.

Anyway, that is our big update! We’re off now to Home Deopt to pick up boxes upon boxes to start packing up this place!

And PS — I filmed a really fun home tour video of our condo to “say goodbye” and I’ll have that up next week to share with you! (I’ve been delayed in editing it becuase I’ve had to write over 95 thank you notes for our two baby showers first! But I’ve only got 15 more to go! THEN I can start editing the video!) ?

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