Musings on Being an Interfaith Family in December – Let There Be Light

Oh the weather outside is frightful …
And the fire is so delightful …

Oh I’d give anything to just curl up in jammies with cocoa, a good book, and nowhere to go / nothing to do. Honestly, that’s my holiday dream. But it’s never my reality — and it may not be yours, either. To have that dream would mean saying no to other things we love to do this time of year — and I’m not willing to do that. Instead, I’ll snag whatever down time I can get.

Sorry I’ve been MIA around here. We got back from our fab El Salvador trip at Thanksgiving and two days later I hosted our company’s big Santa event (on a Saturday). The next morning, I flew to NYC for a couple days for work (bonus–got to see my family for a couple hours!). Then it was my company’s holiday party, Luis’ company’s holiday party, Hanukkah, Maya’s birthday, my family visited last weekend (a surprise for the kids!), Christmas is Monday and then it’s her birthday party … OY VEY. Fortunately I’m off work but still … no rest for the weary!

While it’s true there hasn’t been much time for writing, I did manage to craft a piece for Kveller that I wanted to share. If you’re in an interfaith relationship or know someone who is, I hope you can relate!

I’m Jewish But Go to Church on Christmas – Here’s Why

Have a most wonderful holiday season and I hope to post again, soon!


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