My Favorite Posts from 2015


Many bloggers I know are highly strategic. They employ all the fanciest SEO (that’s Search Engine Optimization) tricks so their work comes up higher in your google query results. They extensively track trends and clicks and shares and tweets. They have their finger on the pulse of their reader and know just how to attract an ever-growing group of fans.

I’m just not one of those bloggers, at least not yet, though I admire their savviness.

I simply write when I feel inspired to write. I write what feels important, useful, and inspiring (to me) to share. I write because I want you to know you’re not alone and I want to remember the bits of wisdom I’ve collected along my way.

And so I find myself a bit in awe of the body of work I’ve produced in the course of this year (and year’s past) given my total failure to have a “plan of attack”. At the start of each year I so often feel like I’ll have nothing to say.

In reviewing my 2015 posts a number of them stood out as favorites. I’ve rounded them up here and whether you missed them the first time or fancy a second look, I hope that something I’ve shared is what you needed to read as much it was what I needed to write. xo, Rachel

Dieting is a Violent Act

Our Eyes Can (and Do) Deceive Us

Take Back Your Life

Defining What Works

sola dosis facit venenum

Vanity’s Other Name

Make Yourself Comfortable

A World Gone Mad

Changing the Culture

Doing Your Best

May the muse find me once again in 2016! Thank you to all who follow along!

(c) Rachel W Cole – Read entire story here.