Next Steps to Pass the Bill

TROA Update and Next Steps: Fall 2024 

On June 27th, the House Ways and Means Committee passed an amended version of the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA), marking a significant milestone that the bill has never reached in previous sessions of Congress. However, we still have a lot of work to do. Another House committee needs to act, and the Senate also needs to take up the bill. TROA is gaining support on both sides of Congress, with 124 bipartisan cosponsors in both the House and Senate.

Key Milestones and Next Steps

Right now, the OAC is urging the House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Committee to include TROA in a markup session. Our champions in the E&C, Representatives Miller-Meeks and Ruiz, are working with their staff and colleagues to take this crucial next step before the bill can go to a vote on the House floor.

We are also in communication with Senate Finance Committee (SCF) leaders, Senators Wyden and Crapo, to encourage them to find a path forward for TROA this year. No proposed changes to the bill are final yet, and we hope that important discussions in the coming weeks will result in a version of TROA that can pass in both the House and Senate.

Support TROA and Make Your Voice Heard!

Congress will be in session for only a few weeks before recessing in October, and will return after the election. The final months of an election year are known as the “lame duck” session. Despite the name, it’s often a busy time when lawmakers work to pass bills, especially those who are retiring. Two TROA supporters, Representative Wenstrup and Senator Carper, are retiring after this session, adding momentum and motivation to get TROA passed this year.

It’s important for OAC supporters and advocates to keep reaching out to their members of Congress — remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease! Even if you’ve already contacted them, do it again, and again, and again. Adding more cosponsors will show Congressional leaders that TROA is a priority. Current cosponsors also need to keep pushing the bill forward. Hearing from constituents, especially patients, is extremely powerful!

Get started by using the OAC Action Center, and watch your email for special alerts and action requests.

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