Ole Morten Grodås on the Perfect Health Retreat – Perfect Health Diet

Ole Morten Grodås on the Perfect Health Retreat

Ole Morten Grodås of Trondheim, Norway was a guest at the October 2014 Perfect Health Retreat. Ole kindly recorded a video for us discussing his experience at the retreat.

Some highlights:

  • “I’m very glad I came. I learned some life habits and tips and tricks on these 14 days that I’ve not learned in like 4 years of reading blogs and books. It’s been really valuable.”
  • “I’ve been having stomach problems for two years and just being here for 14 days has improved them…. I’ve also after having health coaching with Paul I’ve gotten a strategy for how I can improve it when I get back home and I’m really looking forward toimplementing this strategy.”
  • “Heath coaching is maybe the most valuable part of the retreat for me – being able to ask Paul about my problems and his advice about them.”
  • “Paul has been available throughout the two weeks and I’ve been able to ask him about anything all the time. He’s been very helpful.”
  • “I like the concept that you can come here and everything’s optimized. When you read the blogs it’s hard to pick up on everything and fit it together into a complete lifestyle.”
  • “I think the setting of the Perfect Health Retreat is perfect. It’s sunny, it’s by the beach, it’s warm, but it’s not too warm. I’m from Norway and I think it’s perfect. In the night it’s cool enough that you can sleep easily.… It’s a quiet beach and that’s also very nice.”
  • “The science classes are another favorite of mine. I’ve been reading the Paleo books and blogs and trying to understand what’s needed to be done for good health. Attending the science classes at this retreat has improved my knowledge of what constitutes really good habits and healthy habits. I’ve learned important things that I think will really improve my health long term.”
  • “I think the exercise classes have been very good.”
  • “My favorite exercise class was the running exercises where Paul was teaching us running techniques…. That’s very hard to do on your own because you’re not aware of how you’re running and how it’s wrong.”
  • “I really liked the cooking classes as well. What I liked the most is that you can acquire skills that are also very hard to acquire just from reading or watching Youtube movies.”
  • “The food has been delicious, just as expected. I’ve been trying to eat the Perfect Health Diet for a long time, and I know it’s really good, but having a real chef make the food just makes it even better.”
  • “I think the retreat is something everyone will benefit from. Just to set aside one week, or 14 days, to just focus on my health has been really, really good…. For me it’s been very helpful to be here.”
  • “I highly recommend the retreat to anyone. I think everyone would benefit.”

Thank you Ole!

We are taking reservations now for the next Perfect Health Retreat to be held October 10-17, 2015. Don’t miss this opportunity for a luxurious vacation combined with a week of learning that will pay a lifestime of dividends.

To learn about the retreat, visit the various web pages under the Perfect Health Retreat tab, starting here. To reserve a room or for more information, please contact Paul Jaminet at paul@perfecthealthretreat.com or Whitney Ross Gray at whitney@perfecthealthretreat.com.

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