Releasing Toxic Emotional Weight – Why It’s Not Always About Food – Viki Thondley | Mind Body Food


This week I reached out to a trusted friend and colleague for assistance in reaching a specific issue around my changing weight, that I couldn’t on my own.

A few years ago after an emotional rollercoaster with key family members (still not resolved on their behalf), my body began to shift into protective mode (i.e. stress and survival) and my weight started to slowly increase, regardless of my eating and movement not changing – improving actually!

Excess weight is often about ‘protection‘.

When I became aware of what was happening, I consciously set about managing my emotional upset and mental stress, and my weight began to reduce…

But the toxic nature of my unconscious thoughts couldn’t let go of the underlying issue, regardless of how I adjusted my attitude or tuned into my emotions, and my weight would again increase…

I knew this was a build up of emotional toxicity and set about using self-hypnosis, tapping and meditation to acknowledge my emotions, cut energy ties, and release past attachments. Here’s how the pattern works:

Thoughts -> Emotions -> Inflammation = Toxic Energy

The trouble is, I just couldn’t be objective enough in getting to the lingering rage of not feeling like I was enough, significant, or safe when it came to the family environment I grew up in, and so the trigger kept being triggered.

The pain of no support was woven too deep into my subconscious and there was a lingering belief in my ‘child’ mind that I still had to protect myself, even though I’m now an adult. 

You see, due to certain significant events in my early life I came to the conclusion (when a child) that because no-one was there to ‘protect’ me, I had to protect myself.

My ‘child’ mind decided I had to be bigger to be stronger, bigger to insulate myself from hurt, bigger to prove I was worthy, and bigger to explain why I was different and didn’t belong.

My body took ‘bigger’ literally, because the mind will always try to give you what it thinks you want.

The belief that no-one had my back because I couldn’t trust anyone, was a huge driver in my relationships for many years. I truly believed in my core that I had to protect myself from everyone.

The beauty of my work is that it transform the beliefs, meanings and memories of key past eventswithout having to relive them – and rewrites the thoughts and feelings very quickly for a powerful emotional shift and energetic healing to occur.

The downside is that I can’t be that objective when it comes to my own stuff!

As a therapist and practitioner, I’m absolutely willing to dig a littler deeper when the past rears its’ ugly head and won’t let me move forward. 

So taking myself off to someone else to guide the healing was a huge shift of energy for me. It meant I could let go of facilitating the transformation and simply focus on allowing it for myself.

I did use the experience to inject some of my own inner child work into the flow of it, which has been tremendously beneficial.

I’m feeling lighter, calmer and absolutely more loving towards my inner 7 and 12 year olds right now…

They’ve really needed me.

In fact, I’ve upgraded the living conditions of my younger selves to visualise them feeling safe and happy living with me and my husband in our happy home, where they never have to return to feeling insignificant and unsafe ever again!

My bodymind is adjusting nicely as it processes this shift and gets to work releasing the excess weight, mostly on its’ own. I feel fantastic!

I love that I possess these skills, but I also love that I know a few gifted friends who are on the same wavelength to help me out when I need it using complimentary modalities.

We’re all in this together, as I’m certainly not immune.

So if you’re struggling with a mental, emotional, weight or eating issue of your own that’s taking over your life, click here and reach out for help.

I specialise in helping you uncover and resolve the root cause of your depression, anxiety, weight or eating issue without months of therapy, medication or dieting. 

You’re not alone. You can be free.


Transformational Coach, Holistic Counsellor & Integrative Therapist
Freedom and Recovery from your Emotional, Weight & Eating Issues

Viki Thondley is a Transformational Coach, Holistic Counsellor & Meditation Therapist specialising in self-worth, stress, mind-body connection, subconscious reprogramming, depression/anxiety, body-image & disordered eating recovery. She is Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute & author of the Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner certification course, plus several coaching & whole food books.


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