Renee Chen on the Perfect Health Retreat – Perfect Health Diet

Renee Chen on the Perfect Health Retreat

NOTE: We’ve had a late cancellation for this year’s retreat, April 30-May 7, so a spot is open. The next retreat is not until May 2017. Please consider joining us!

Renee X Chen of Shanghai, China was a guest at the May 2015 Perfect Health Retreat. Renee kindly recorded a video for us discussing her experience at the retreat.

Some highlights:

  • “Absolutely [I’ve enjoyed the retreat]. I live in China, Shanghai, so coming to North Carolina for a getaway is just fantastic. On top of that it’s been so nice not having to worry about food and just knowing that good food is going to be served all the time. The people here have been fantastic as well … It’s been really fun.”
  • “Everyone’s super nice.”
  • “I’ve been really enjoying the science classes which is surprising because I’m not really science minded…. Paul is so great at explaining these complex concepts in simpler terms.”
  • “[Exercise classes] have been really fun…. Everything that I’ve learned about exercise has been turned around.”
  • “Love [the setting]…. It’s very very peaceful here.”
  • “[Paul] is funny. But he knows his ****…. He knows his stuff and he’s extremely patient.”
  • “Even for people who might not be as interested in health or even for people who might already be very healthy it’s a great getaway … but for anyone who is interested in health I really like the advice that Paul gives…. It makes a lot of sense.”
  • “The lab results that I had gotten from my doctors they were kind of like ‘everything looks fine, no big deal,’ but then I had Paul take a look at it and he was like, ‘yeah, within this range for other people it might be normal but for you he basically said you have iron deficiency anemia’ and I was like, ‘you know what, I think I do, because I feel fatigued all the time and my nails have been brittle’ and he provided very detailed and specific steps for how to take care of that.”
  • “I would recommend [the retreat], highly recommend it to anyone.”

Thank you Renee!

We are taking reservations now for the next Perfect Health Retreat to be held April 30 to May 7, 2016. Don’t miss this opportunity for a luxurious vacation combined with a week of learning that will pay a lifetime of dividends.

To learn about the retreat, visit the web pages under the Perfect Health Retreat tab, starting here. To reserve a room or for more information, please contact Paul Jaminet at or Whitney Ross Gray at

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