SEDIG Conference in Edinburgh was really good

On Saturday afternoon I spoke at the SEDIG (Scottish Eating Disorders Interest Group) conference in Edinburgh about my family’s experience of getting my son through anorexia. It was great to see so many dedicated people together from across Scotland – mainly parents who are still struggling with an eating disorder in the family but also one or two clinicians, and the speakers, chaired by the amazing Dr Jane Morris, Consultant Psychiatrist, Eden Unit, Aberdeen.

Everyone who spoke at the conference is doing an incredible job to raise awareness of the issue of eating disorders – and in the afternoon the focus was primarily on eating disorders in males, so it was great to see Sam Thomas from Men Get Eating Disorders Too and Paul Donald from Men and Boys Eating Disorders and Exercise Service (MBEEDS).

I think, because it’s a long time since I’ve told my story on this blog – probably back in 2011 when I began writing it – I’ll do a few posts based on what I said at the conference.

So watch this space…
(c) Eating disorders in boys: my teenage son’s recovery from anorexia. – Read entire story here.