Seriously, What is Life Like for Babies in the Womb? – BeautyBeyondBones

Hello from this eight month pregnant gal!

Yep! I am officially 33 weeks pregnant with a BIG baby!

Get this dress!

We just went in for a “growth” ultrasound on Tuesday — which is common when babies are in the 96th percentile. And she is doing wonderfully! She’s in the correct “head-down” position, and all cute and cuddled up, nice and cozy in there!

And as for her size, she is measuring at 5 and a half pounds already…which normally for a 33 week baby, they are about 4 pounds 3 ounces. She’s nearly a pound and a half ahead for her gestational age — still measuring in the 91st percentile!

I attribute it to the fact that I’ve felt phenomenal this entire pregnancy and had not one lick of morning sickness — so I’ve had three nutritionally packed meals and one snack every single day throughout this pregnancy! As my dad said, she’s been eating at the Ritz every day!

So right before the ultrasound — literally as I was walking into the exam room — I shoved a date into my mouth and ate it, just to give her a little jolt of energy, to see if I could wake her up for the ultrasound, and sure enough…she was! We could literally see her eyes open and blinking!

And it was the cutest thing — she even yawned on the ultrasound! And we could see her little tongue swallowing the amniotic fluid (apparently enjoying that little jolt of sweetness from the date!) How absolutely precious! What a miracle life is! To think that our little lady is in there swimming around, drinking, yawning, blinking — God is just amazing the way He has created the female body to create life, and the beautiful formation that occurs during those nine months inside the womb!!

I would just love to know what life is like for her in there! What does she see? Taste? Hear? What does it feel like when we’re giving her little love pats and rubs and taps to try and encourage her to kick? What does she think about? Can she see God? Can she hear His voice?

I have just so many questions. I fully believe that there is so much about that process of life formation that we can’t even fathom. Not the scientific, developmental, nuts-and-bolts of it all. But rather, the spiritual realm of it.

I truly believe that there is a sacred connection between the baby and our Creator during these nine months in the womb, as He is literally knitting her together. And I am just fascinated by what life must be like for her right now. God knows her – her innermost being. And loves her. Does she also know Him?

And it also dawned on me the other day…obviously so much attention is paid to the pain the mother endures during childbirth…but what about the baby?? What does it feel like for HER to be squeezed through the birth canal?! Does it hurt for her?? Honestly, that’s what I am going to be thinking about most during labor. And part of the reason why I want to be unmedicated…if she has to feel discomfort going through the birth canal, then I was to be right there with her in solidarity!

Anywho – that’s all for today! We are in the thick of moving out of our condo. We close in just shy of a month! And let’s just say: my husband is an expert packer. When he moved out of his condo in NYC, he was completely packed up 2 weeks before the movers came, and we’re on target to be the same for this move! The closets and kitchen only have the absolute essentials, guest room is pretty much done, he’s packed up his entire Nike shoe collection (he’s a “sneakerhead” — I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that ? )

And all I’ve been allowed to do it hand him pieces of tape for the boxes. He has done this entire move himself. He is such an incredible man, and I am so grateful.

Alright – I’m off to finish editing our house tour video! (It’s about time…just as we’re leaving!) But we decided to make the video on the day when we had our house photographed for the real estate listing, since it was…literally picture perfect.

So watch for that over the next couple days on YouTube!

I hope you all have the best weekend!

xoxo Caralyn

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