So, How Do I Lose Weight?

If you’ve read my books or followed my blog, you know that I don’t believe dieting is the answer, but I also don’t ignore the question.

It’s a reality that binge eaters are often well over the weight that is best for their unique body. Setting unrealistic goals and expectations is of course not advisable, but if that extra weight doesn’t naturally and gradually come off after binge eating stops, it can make dieting seem alluring.

That is why staying focused non-dieting strategies is key.  But, what does “non-dieting strategies” mean, exactly?  Is reducing excessive portions, too-frequent treats, and/or soda, dieting?  Is focusing on eating a variety of healthy foods, dieting?  If done with the right mindset, not at all.

I did an interview with registered dietitian and nutritionist Paige Smathers on her Nutrition Matters Podcast, and then found a wonderful article she wrote which explains the mindset needed for non-dieting weight loss. It briefly sums up how to make changes that are sustainable and realistic, not restrictive; and I hope that reading it will help you start thinking about weight loss in a new way.

Another resource for non-dieting weight loss, that I recommend in my second book, is Cookie Rosenblum’s Real Weight Loss for Real Women.  I want to mention Cookie again now because–if you feel like you need extra, guided help in this area–she is forming a new coaching group (The Freedom Group) for those wanting support in implementing a non-dieting approach. The group is flexible, in that you can join or quit anytime, and very affordable ($1 for the first month, and $47 for each month after that). The first group call is today, April 5th at 12pm ET, but it’s an ongoing group so not at all necessary to be on this call. Click on the link below for details.


*I’ve been including information from other sources in my recent posts, and I’ll continue to do this from time to time. Different ideas and approaches work for different people, and I want to provide options that are generally aligned with the philosophy in my books.  I believe that binge eaters only need to accomplish two goals to recover: 1.) Learn to dismiss binge urges, and 2.) Learn to eat normally.  No one will accomplish those two goals in exactly the same way, and that’s okay.  Take the information and resources that you feel will uniquely help you, and leave the rest!

(c) Brain over Binge – Read entire story here.