Speaking of diets…

Dear Ana’s,

Today I am back with some not so well known diets that have been known to work in the past. Enjoy!

  • The 3 Day Fruit Flush
    • Breakfast:
      1 piece of high-carb fruit (banana, large pear, ½ mango)
      total: varies
    • Lunch:1 piece high-fiber fruit (apple, plums, ½ cup berries)
      total: varies
    • Dinner:
      1 piece citrus fruit (orange, small grapefruit, tangerine, 2 clementines)
    • total: varies
      total: 220- 310 calories, 1 gm fat.
  •  The Russian Gymnast Diet
    • Breakfast:

      Glass of either orange or apple juice

    • Lunch:
      Fruit Salad (made of kiwi fruit, orange, pineapple, and peeled apples)
      Glass of fruit juice (from one of the above fruits)
    • Dinner:
      Glass of non carbonated water
      Green apple (granny smith)
      Anyone on this diet for 5-7 days can loose between 4 lbs-11 lbs
  • The Caroline Kettlewell Diet
    • Breakfast:
      ½ cup fat-free yogurt (100 cals)
      total: 100 calories, 0 gms fat
    • Lunch:
      1 clementine or 1 small orange ( 45 cals)
      total: 45 calories, 0 gms fat
    • Dinner:
      3 bites of dinner (approx. 100 cals) total: 100 calories, 2 gms fat
    • total: 245 calories, 2 gms fat

Hope it helps,

xoxo L

(c) The Pro-Ana Lifestyle Forever – Read entire story here.