Spring Cleaning: Let it Go!

I have a confession. There are clothes in my closet that I have not worn in many, many years. I look at those items most days and move through to the next article of clothing that I know I will want to wear. I know that having clothing that I do not wear can be an energy drain. The clothing that I do not wear have some things in common:

  1. They do not fit comfortably.
  2. I do not like the style or I do not think I look good in that particular style.
  3. They look old.

I know having clothing in my closet that I won’t wear is not good for me. It reminds me of mistakes in buying that I made. It reminds me I wasted money. It reminds me of something I do not like.

Clothes I am letting go of.

Clothes I am letting go of.

What you will not find in my closet are clothes that do not fit me because the size is too large or too small. I have found those are the clothes that used to remind me that I was not the size I wanted to be. Also, sometimes I would keep clothing from when I was larger, just in case I regained the weight. I would keep the clothing because when I started my next diet, I would then be able to fit into them. I felt burdened by those clothes and ashamed that I had yet again gained weight. I have since learned the value of having clothing that fits me as I am right now. For me, living in the reality of the present moment helps me to consider being a little better in the next moment. I know there are people who will say that keeping the clothing that is too small is motivation to lose weight. That has not been my experience. I found that keeping those clothes that are too small remind me that I have not been successful.

So now I am cleaning my closet and finding that there are other clothes that feel like a burden to me, because I know I have not worn them for ages. As I am sorting these clothes something interesting is happening; I am resistant to letting them go. I am unsure if I want to get rid of them. I think, maybe I will wear them some day. I’m noticing the emotion of guilt for buying clothing that I really do not like. How could I do that? I now realize that when I shop for clothing, I can tend to get what I think I should like.

As I take this step to let go of what I do not want, I can begin to feel the freedom of keeping around me only items that celebrate me and how I want to look.

This is my new commitment. I will:

  • Shop in a more leisurely manner (no kids, no time table).
  • Buy clothing that makes me feel good, not what I think I should wear.
  • Let go of clothing that does not suit me.

I am focused on moving forward and find that having clothing that celebrates me right now is positive and helps me achieve this goal. Lately, I have been teaching my clients the idea that positivity propels us forward and negativity propels us backwards. Since I want to move forward, I am inviting a positive mindset which includes discarding items that I do not use (including clothing).


Do you have a closet with clothing that you have not worn in over a year? Do you have clothing that you are waiting to wear when you lose weight? Consider letting it go! Let us know below that you are going to take a step to clean out your closet.

(c) Blog – Counseling Roseville, CA and Sacramento- Binge Eating, Emotional Eating, Eating Disorders – Read entire story here.