Stop Dieting and Trust Your Body Wisdom Instead – Viki Thondley | Mind Body Food

Balanced Healthy Eating


Have you had a moment of panic about your weight since Christmas?
Have you denied yourself food in an effort to reduce your weight?

Many people rinse and repeat their health goals every January (to get healthy and lose weight) and force themselves back onto a new or old diet because they’re still stuck in the dieting mindset.

Instead of healthy balanced eating, they choose the all or nothing approach and begin down a path of following a ‘way’ of eating that may not actually work for their unique body’s needs.

The more time we spend dieting, while still researching more and more conflicting information about food and eating, the more confused and stressed we become. More importantly, we lose connection with our own unique hunger and satiety needs, and our body’s inner wisdom.

And sometimes we also misplace our common sense in our dedicated effort to ‘lose weight’. I know I did on many occasions.

The fact remains: Nobody EVER is more qualified to tell you how to eat, how much and when, than YOU and your body!

In this Video you’ll learn a MUCH better way to approach your health, weight and eating goals.


Or Watch on my Youtube Channel here.


Get your mind, brain and body on board with your health, fitness and weight goals!


Transformational Coach, Holistic Counsellor & Integrative Therapist
Freedom and Recovery from your Emotional, Weight & Eating Issues

Viki Thondley is a Rapid Transformational Therapist & Coach, Holistic Counsellor & Meditation Therapist specialising in self-worth, stress, mind-body connection, subconscious reprogramming, depression/anxiety, body-image & disordered eating recovery. She is Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute & author of the Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner certification course, plus several coaching & whole food books.



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