Study Confirms Eating Disorders’ Deadly Toll

FRIDAY, Jan. 29, 2016 — New research assesses the often fatal outcomes for people with eating disorders, particularly anorexia.
The study found that people with anorexia nervosa were five times more likely to die early than those in the general population. Most of the deaths among people with anorexia, which involves a low body weight and an intense fear of gaining weight, were due to natural causes associated with the disorder. Suicide was the leading cause of non-natural death.
People with bulimia nervosa, which usually involves binge-eating and purging, and other types of eating disorders also had higher-than-normal death rates, but not as high as those with anorexia, the investigators said.
Risk factors for premature death among people with eating disorders included a high number…
(c) Anorexia News – – Read entire story here.