Sunshine and travelling out to an island – flexing and happiness

Hello 🙂
I am sorry for the lack of posts today and i guess the next few days, but i am going to really enjoy the sunshine and try to just disconnect. But leave topics or questions and i will try to answer them and schedule some posts 🙂

Today has been a great day so far! After my morning post today i bought myself some strawberries and then ate them on the train to Stockholm while trying to study. And then i was home for about 5 minutes before i had to leave again where it was a drive out to the boat to the island (with a stop to do some food shopping!).
Once out on the island it was just to unpack, sit in the sun and wait for dinner to be served, which was salmon, boiled potatoes and salad as well as some type of chili sauce!
Today i have felt really happy, which you can see in the photos below… true happiness. The sun definitely makes a difference in how i feel and just allowing myself to be happy, not allowing myself to sit alone and feel sad. Instead forcing myself out to do something different and to do things, not just stick to routines.
Hopefully i will enjoy these next few days, however now all i want is sleep. I have been up since around 5.30am and its now almost 8pm and most of all i just want to curl into bed, wrap myself in a blanket and sleep. So tired mentally and physically, and i guess the sun also makes me a little extra tired!
I dont have so much else to write at the moment, but i will try my best to schedule some posts 🙂
Boat snacks!
While waiting for the boat… what do i do? Flex and take photos!
^^From my sisters snapchat XD
And ended the evening with a little drive around the island and some photos by the water!

(c) A Life without Anorexia – Read entire story here.