Survey Reveals That 62{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of Men Have Been Body-Shamed by a Partner (Proud2Bme)

This was originally published on Proud2Bme, an online community created by and for teens. Proud2Bme covers everything from fashion and beauty to news, culture, and entertainment—all with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight.

By Siena Roberts

A recent survey showed that 62{0d9774446e5c1c486b14bfd00f317fb53ff44ec6f4ca4ad04b1a0b82436e9f13} of men have been body shamed by their partner—compare that to the 32{0d9774446e5c1c486b14bfd00f317fb53ff44ec6f4ca4ad04b1a0b82436e9f13} of women who report that their partner body shamed them.Surprised? Don’t be. Here’s why this shocking statistic makes more sense than you’d think.

Right now, the media conversation surrounding body shaming, fat shaming, etc. is entirely about and for women. And don’t get me wrong, this makes sense; societal standards for women have been growing more and more consistently contradictory. Be skinny! But have a big butt! Have a tiny waist! But also curves! And abs! Be muscular! But not too muscular! Women’s body and beauty standards have become increasingly difficult to actually meet.

Due to these problematic ideas, there has been a lot of discussion about body positivity for women. Men have been lost in this discussion. While beauty and appearance standards for women are extremely problematic, standards for men aren’t so forgiving, either. We want boys to be muscular, have a six-pack, but not be too jacked, and basically be a super fit Olympic-caliber athlete. Let’s be real. This is just as unrealistic. But this is not talked about in articles or on social media. In fact, Aerie released what seemed to be a body positivity ad for men that was later revealed to be an April Fool’s joke. Men’s body image is not a joke.

As a society, we are told not to talk about a woman’s body—men and women alike know that topic is off-limits. But we don’t get that same message about men. And body shaming is harmful no matter your gender.

Discouraging comparisons and unrealistic standards for women has been a huge step in the right direction. But let’s do this for men, too. Everyone deserves to feel positively toward themselves. Men, women and every gender in between. This new statistic just further reinforces the fact that we need to continue to work on positive male body image.

About the blogger: Siena is a 17-year-old high school senior. She’s planning on majoring in public health in college. She loves to run, and is currently training for a half marathon. She’s involved in many philanthropic clubs at her school, such as food pantry club, and is the student body secretary-treasurer. She’s struggled with anorexia since her freshman year, and is passionate about bringing awareness to eating disorders.

(c) Body Boop – Read entire story here.