body/self image

Are You Experiencing Anxiety Because Of What Is Happening In The World? 4 Things you Can Do

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Release Your Fears… There are a lot of scaring things happening here in the United States and around the world. Most of us are feeling an undercurrent of fear and anxiety as we go about our normal day. It’s quite normal to feel this way, but there are things you can do to reduce your anxiety. Continue your normal meditation for mindfulness. This keeps your thoughts in the present moment and not ruminating about the past or what could happen in the future. Continue to exercise that is a great release for stress, anxiety and worry. Continue to do your normal activities. Use caution, but go out and don’t let this stop you from living your life. Stop watching the news replay the awful events. …

body/self image

How Do You Start Your Day? 7 Things To Start Your Day Off Right!

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Do you wake up feeling anxious? Is it hard to get out of bed? What are you telling yourself when you awake? Are you holding tension somewhere in your body? 7 things you can do to start your day in a more positive way! Breathe into the tension in your body Stretch Eat something nutritious Imagine your day, one thing at a time and picture it all going well. Call a supportive person Read a self-help book Meditate Make this a ritual. New habits take  21 days to 3 months. The good stuff replaces the bad stuff… Give it a try. What have you got to lose? It can only get better. Happiness is a choice and it takes a lot of work! If your anxiety is overwhelming, give …

bulimia nervosa

A Case of the Tuesdays

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TRIGGER WARNING: Note that this post contains images which I feel obligated to warn may be triggering to some eating disordered individuals.  If you are currently struggling, you might want to skip this one for now! I have a confession to make. It’s going to reveal a not-so-flattering facet of my personality. I’ll probably come off seeming selfish and resentful. Petty.  Hateful even. But I have to come clean. I despise Tuesdays. Why not Mondays? You might be wondering. Mondays are actually second on the “most-dreaded days” list, but I fear Tuesdays the most. This is going to sound horrible, and I really have no excuse for what I am about to share… But, I don’t like Tuesdays because of… …