ED News


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If you’re in the LA area, come see these body image activists (our own co-founder Lynn Chen included) for the first Women Against Negative Talk Panel!  Tickets are available here – use code WANTlynn for a discount!


Your Body: A Tumultuous Love Affair

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You look in the mirror; you hate it. You give birth to your baby; you love it. You try on your bathing suit; you hate it. You finally feel better after a nasty flu; you love it. Your pants are too tight; you hate it. You feel proud of your workout; you love it. Up and down, up and down, over and over again. For many of us there are far more downs than there are ups and the dysfunction in the relationship can sadly last a lifetime… A couple of weeks ago I took my daughter swimming at our local YMCA. We were getting changed beside a couple of women (who looked to be in their mid 70s) having a friendly post-workout conversation. One was …

body/self image

This year, but particularly this week, I’ve made some huge…

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This year, but particularly this week, I’ve made some huge strides with my body positivity. I’ve always struggled with self-image. I was always a larger kid, I’ve actively thought about my body and it’s weight since first grade when my teacher weighed us and measured our height to show us how much we changed at the end of the year. People have pointed out my weight. It’s been a source of embarrassment for me throughout my childhood. The thought of working somewhere with a predetermined uniform scares me, because I’m afraid they won’t have my size. I will avoid walking through a pathway of chairs so I don’t bump anyone. I’ll avoid going to the doctor because I don’t want to see the scale or be …

body/self image

“I mustache you a question!”(Trigger warning: Mentions weight…

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“I mustache you a question!”(Trigger warning: Mentions weight loss, GI disorders)Really though, I felt okay at the moment this was taken despite having a GI condition that makes it harder to lose weight or digest food properly. It also causes severe abdominal pain and heavy bloating. Lately, I’ve been trying out food elimination to help my doctor (and myself) figure out what is causing the underlying problem and it’s been very blah. It kind of blows when you are told you have to eliminate something so expansive such as dairy or all gluten containing products. Even worse when you find out that some of the gluten-free and dairy free products contain soy, which you also might be reactive to. It tends to severely reduce the …

body/self image

Body Boop Featured in ‘Every Body Is A Yoga Body’ Campaign!

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Tweet Thank you to the Yoga and Body Image Coalition for featuring Body Boop in their “Every Body Is A Yoga Body” campaign! Learn more about YBIC by clicking here. Sales of this tank have ended, but you can reserve yours here. Every Body is a Yoga Body Every age. Every race & ethnicity. Every class & socioeconomic status. Every gender identity & sexual orientation. Every size, shape, height, weight & dis/ability. EVERY BODY IS A YOGA BODY. The Yoga and Body Image Coalition is committed to dismantling stereotypes about who practices yoga, whoshould practice yoga and what a “yoga body” looks like. Spread the good vibes and buy a tee/tank/hoodie for yourself, a teacher, friend, family member or someone who loves…

body/self image

The Problem with Glamour Magazine’s Plus-Size Issue (Proud2Bme)

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Tweet This was originally published on Proud2Bme, an online community created by and for teens. Proud2Bme covers everything from fashion and beauty to news, culture, and entertainment—all with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight. By Kaitlin Irwin– Amy Schumer recently posted on social media about Glamour’s inclusion of her in their plus-size issue. She wrote that the magazine “put me in their plus size only issue without asking or letting me know and it doesn’t feel right to me. Young girls seeing my body type thinking this is plus size?” What do you think, readers? Is Amy in the right? Should Glamour have asked her permission? Is Amy plus-size? First of all, why…

body/self image

Yoga Photoshoots Are Weird and Scary

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Tweet A couple of months ago, I decided to have my very first professional yoga photos taken. It’s become such a huge part of my business and my life (while I don’t consider myself advanced), that it felt like the right time. The Yoga and Body Image Coalition shared a couple of them in support of their t-shirt and tank sales, and I had also been asked back in January to write a very personal point-of-view essay for a well-known yoga publication. YBIC has been AWESOME, but I never heard back from the magazine. So, I’m sharing these with you now, and asking you one thing: If someone shares their deepest, darkest secrets with you and is brave enough to…

body/self image

Survey Reveals That 62{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of Men Have Been Body-Shamed by a Partner (Proud2Bme)

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Tweet This was originally published on Proud2Bme, an online community created by and for teens. Proud2Bme covers everything from fashion and beauty to news, culture, and entertainment—all with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight. By Siena Roberts— A recent survey showed that 62{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of men have been body shamed by their partner—compare that to the 32{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of women who report that their partner body shamed them.Surprised? Don’t be. Here’s why this shocking statistic makes more sense than you’d think. Right now, the media conversation surrounding body shaming, fat shaming, etc. is entirely about and for women. And don’t get me wrong, this makes sense; societal standards for women have been growing more and more consistently…

body/self image

If No One Told You This Today or Ever

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Today, I’m sharing words you might need to hear right now, or words you might need to remember, because you easily forget, or because you’ve never heard them. Words you can say to yourself, because you don’t have to wait for someone else to tell you. Because telling yourself is enough… You can be yourself—exactly who and how you are. Like what you like. Love what you love. Appreciate your idiosyncrasies. Your weirdness, or your sensitivity, or your distaste for certain things. You don’t have to pretend anymore. Respect yourself. Always respect yourself. It doesn’t matter what mistakes or poor decisions you’ve made. It really doesn’t. You always deserve to receive respect from others and from yourself. From your…

body/self image

More Thoughts on Self-Love

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I’ve been thinking more about self-love and what it means and looks like for me. Yesterday, I shared some thoughts in this piece. Today, I’m sharing more examples. I hope these inspire you to think through your own definitions and how you can start embracing and loving yourself. Because you can. No matter where you’ve been and no matter what others have said to you, you can. Start small. Start now. Self-love is eating to nourish my body and satisfy my taste buds. It is asking for help when I need it instead of isolating myself. It is taking frequent breaks to rest and reminding myself I’m not a robot. Self-love is accepting myself as I am—the strengths, the…

bulimia nervosa

Taking The Initiative

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Anorexia Nervosa Genetics Initiative is a global research study designed to help learn more about why some people have eating disorders and why others do not. The University of North Carolina is recruiting 25,000 participants total, most of whom have (or have had) Anorexia Nervosa and about 8,000 individuals with no history of an eating disorder. They are asking participants to provide some information about their medical and psychosocial history as well as to provide a blood sample. In order to participate, there are a few steps to go through.   Since I am going through the process myself, I figured I would walk everyone through it to demonstrate how simple it is to join this study and help further Eating Disorder Research: First, they will set up a phone …