body/self image

I’ve always heard about how pregnancy and childbirth “ruins” a woman’s body from the man’s…

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I’ve always heard about how pregnancy and childbirth “ruins” a woman’s body from the man’s perspective. How she gets stretch marks, pregnancy weight, saggy boobs, and a “loose” vagina. It leads you to believe that the worst thing about pregnancy and childbirth are these shallow things and that these shallow things matter at all. I do feel like my body is ruined by pregnancy. Because I am 38 weeks pregnant and completely disabled with a pregnancy related vascular condition. I’m laying here on my side. I can’t sit up straight for very long even. I’m in pain.20{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} of pregnancies are so disabling they result in bedrest. Nearly a third end in a serious surgical intervention–the cesarean section–requiring a long healing time. Yet, there is no …

body/self image

Should You Leave Your Dream to the Experts?

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For me, it was Maria’s processional as she walked down the aisle of the Austrian Cathedral to marry Captain von Trapp; nuns and children looking on lovingly, the Fairy Tale coming true. Maybe, for you, it was Ariel as she professed her love for her animated prince in his puffy shirt. Or maybe it was the 1900 guests Kate Middleton walked through to wed England’s real-life Prince Charming. Image via PixabayWhatever the scenario, chances are you’ve had some romantic notion in your psyche of the ideal wedding.From The Knot to “Say Yes to the Dress” to your very own Pinterest wedding board, we’re obsessed with making the occasion absolutely PERFECT. Remember when you and your significant other made it official? You said “yes”, you chose a …