body/self image

The HAES® For The Holidays Ecourse Is Back For Spring!

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Easter and Passover are almost here. Did you ever notice that the holidays can bring up a lot of . . . stuff? Being with family can mean being scrutinized about your weight, your food choices, and even bigger life choices. Whether you come from a family of constant dieters or one where cleaning your plate is the best way to show love, navigating your way through the holiday season can feel more pressured and stressful than anything else. Wouldn’t it be fabulous to have more fun this holiday? Wouldn’t it be lovely to have the tools you need so that you can have a really joyous holiday? If so, I think you should check out my new, super-affordable e-course, HAES® For The Holidays! I’ve …

body/self image

Are you in? Summer Of Body Love Starts This Monday!

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Summer is supposed to be a time of relaxation and fun. Picture summer and you probably think of spending time at the beach or pool, backyard barbecues, and time off from school or work. But when you hate your body, summer can be particularly treacherous. You can no longer cover up your body with lots of layers (at least not comfortably). You may want to spend some time at the beach or the pool, but the thought of actually wearing a swimsuit may fill you with anxiety. If you’re anything like I used to be, you’re probably finding yourself: Struggling to get dressed in the morning Worrying about your weight and what if anything you can do to change it Thinking of ways to cover …