
One way to overcome fear of failure (and my failure experience)

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Fear. Of. Failure. It has such a presence in most of our lives, right? The fear of failure has bubbled it’s way to the surface in my own life in these past few weeks, and of course, I’ve also heard the same fear from others come up a lot recently. I always find it fascinating how, as a coach, the things I’m going through are usually the same things my friends and clients are coming to me about, too. Funny how life works that way! My own fear of failure has been coming out recently because I’m launching… keep reading The post One way to overcome fear of failure (and my failure experience) appeared first on Jamie Mendell.

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The Hunger for Rest

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There’s a vicious cycle I’m witnessing amongst my Feast students. They’re tired, as in sleepy tired, and they respond to their fatigue, generally, in one of two ways. Some push through, live their lives from this depleted life, and feed their hunger for rest with food. Others do nap, when they can, and then wake wracked with guilt. Their thoughts flood in: “You’re so lazy.” “You’ve gotten nothing done this afternoon.” “Your husband/wife only needs 6 hours of sleep, what’s wrong with you?!” And the shame spiral begins. And to put a damper on the cacophony of mean voices within they eat. So I’m asking: When did it become a badge of honor to run on very little sleep? When did the…

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Perfection Coins

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For the past few years I’ve been unraveling my motherhood knot—the jumble of questions, fears, desires, and beliefs I have about having a child. As you can imagine (or perhaps relate) this tangle has many layers but one in particular, while perhaps obvious, surprised me. Perfectionism. Or, as I’ve come to think of it: Perfection Coins. Perfection Coins are what we amass the more in control and ‘perfect’ our life is. If our life somehow reflects a greater percentage of our personal preferences, with minimal compromise or vulnerability we are very rich in Perfection Coins. When we want something that requires risk, or change, or giving up control we have to trade in our Perfection Coins. And why would anyone trade them in? Because the payoff is…