ED News

Detoxing from a Weekend Binge

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Here is what my former eating disordered life looked like: Monday-Thursday: restrict, calorie rules, weighing in 20-40 times per day, diet pills, low fat, no fat, sugar free, fat free Friday-Saturday: Dinner and going out with friends, events, Mardi Gras balls, football games, excessive drinking […]


Weight Loss Surgery Post Op Life on the Cheap

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I thought I would address something about having weight loss surgery that is not talked about much…Good Protein Food SourcesProtein PowderVitaminsNew Wardrobe, Shoes, Jewelry ResizingGym Memberships, Exercise EquipmentIt’s expensive.Here’s some tips and hints that have helped me make this journey to good health more reasonable on the pocketbook I hope they help you too…Food: Pre-op I’d fill up on cheap pasta, rice and bread. Good protein sources cost more. I do love my Trader Joe’s goodies but you can do healthy on the cheap too…* Chicken (get whole versus boneless skinless) – roast it and divide up yourself or drop one in a crock pot all day, save & strain the broth for soups.Favorite Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Dinner Recipes* Ground Turkey, …

body/self image

7 Ways to Improve the Health of Your Household

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In order to take good care of your family, you probably try to eat healthy and visit the doctor regularly. Unfortunately, hidden dangers at home can pose a serious hazard to your family. The following tips will help you track down the dangers that may be lurking in your home. Keep it Old School As a parent, you probably look for ways to protect your family and keep them healthy. Although you may try to rid your home of dust and debris through weekly cleanings, the commercial products could be doing more harm than good. The cleaners can also be pricey and wreaking havoc with your budget. Hit up your pantry in search of some natural home cleaning alternatives. Vinegar is a cost-effective option that can …

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Root to Rise This Spring

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Tweet I’m so excited to be partnering with Bottom Line Yoga (BLY) for this blog post! Not only is BLY the place where I practice yoga, but it’s become a loving, supportive community for me, too. This spring, BLY is highlighting different blog posts along the theme of “Root to Rise.” While I am not trained as a yoga teacher, and sometimes yoga terms can be confusing to me, “root to rise” is an idea I feel a deep connection with. Basically, you are creating a solid foundation with a pose, or with your practice as a whole, and allowing growth from there. I like to apply the idea of “root to rise” with any goal setting in my life &#…