
A Profound Courtesy

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There are times when I look at my children and become so overcome with gratitude it actually momentarily takes my breath away. In our family we call these ‘love attacks’. “Oh honey” I say through teary eyes while having held a stare a little too long, “I’m having a love attack” and my kids ready themselves for a relentless round of hugs and smooches. A couple of weeks ago I had a poignant ‘love attack’; only not for another person but for life itself. I was on a run through my favorite forested route, Beyoncé’s ‘Halo’ was coming through my headphones on high volume, the sun was offering reams of golden ribbons through the leafy branches, the breeze was cool …

bulimia nervosa


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COMPELLING. I never wore much make up and was who I was. Still went through stuff. And still do. But I learned that the older I get I actually feel younger than those in their teens and up to thirty somethings. Maybe that feeling comes with wisdom. Only you can love yourself to the bottom of your heart and all you have gone through. No one but you can share that but with you. So be nice to yourself and keep your truest friends close. Anyone else who doesn’t love you like you love yourself and the journey you are going through… delete from your life. There is only one you.