binge eating

Year End Reflections

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At the end of every year I like to reflect and consider what has happened during the previous year. I get excited to spend some private time looking at my calendar, my journal and pictures to piece together my take away for the year. Each year’s reflection looks different and this year is no exception. Some years I write long journal entries about the previous year or I reflect in my mind or with a trusted friend about what I saw as the ups and downs of my life. No matter which method I chose I like to end the year considering what worked and what didn’t. This reflection of the previous year can focus on several aspects of my life or a few. Some areas of…

body/self image

It’s Okay To Change Your Big Dreams

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Image from justdd on 123rf.comIt’s been nearly five months since I’ve written a blog post. For someone who used to write one every week, this certainly feels very weird. A lot has changed for me in this last year. I got engaged, got married, and started a new “day job” working as a lawyer again. Because I’m working as a lawyer more, I slowed down my coaching practice quite a bit. All of the changes feel really good to me at this stage in my life. But 10 or 8 or even 6 years ago, they might not have. When I started my coaching practice in 2008, I had really big dreams. Dreams of reaching millions of people with a message of body love, making body …