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Acupuncture for Anxiety

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Tweet So, lemme start this post by proclaiming: I AM THE BIGGEST CYNIC/SKEPTIC OF ALL TIME And I tried acupuncture for the first time this week, really driven by my latest struggle with anxiety and insomnia, which was totally interrupting my personal and work life. It went something like this: Monday “Yeah, okay, I’ll try it.” Tuesday “SHIT, what did I get myself into.” Wednesday “OH SHIT, I forgot about my appointment so let me Uber my ass there in the 2 minutes I have before my appointment time.” Thursday **Do Not Disturb Under Blankets All Day** Friday “Yeah, okay, I’ll do this again.” Honestly, it’s not something that’s delivering like revolutionary effects – yet…

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A Sensitive Girl’s Story of Eating Disorder Recovery

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Tweet I am an extremely empathic and sensitive woman. In fact, like 20 percent of our population, I possess the genetic trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person. This means my sensory neurons are more alert, and I experience the world at a higher frequency than others. As a child, these traits were scary for me. The world felt big and overwhelming and unsafe. It was as if the volume on life was turned up all the way, all time. I had all these big emotions and I didn’t know what to do with them, or how to articulate them. And when I was around other people, I didn’t just hear their voices- I heard their FEELINGS, screaming at me- relentlessly. But it seemed I “heard” things that…