bulimia nervosa

I Give Myself Permission to Take a Hiatus…I’ll Be Back

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How do we stay committed to with our eating disorder recovery? We pay attention to our feelings, celebrate our tiny victories and choose to #KeepGoing. How do we follow through with our wildest dreams? We give ourselves permission to do WHATEVER it takes for us to #KeepGoing and to #KeepWriting until it’s done. It’s time to go ALL IN for ourselves. Are you ready? You’ve got this! We’ve got this!

bulimia nervosa

Changing the Way I Talk to Myself Takes Practice

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It was two months ago, the first weekend in September, when I flipped over my handlebars at Winter Park. I rolled both ankles and hyperextended my elbow, at least this is the story I told people. I was actually on crutches two times in the past two months. When I was asked about my injuries I kept it short and sweet, “I hurt myself in a mountain biking accident.” In the past, I’ve carried massive shame around rolling my ankles. I’m learning to let that voice go. It started in middle school basketball. I rolled each ankle three times in two years. It was always the same diagnosis: torn ligaments and stretched tendons. The doctors weren’t telling me I needed to lose weight but I had …

bulimia nervosa

I was in a 24-year “Relationship” with Bulimia

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Language has been important to me all of my life. I’m choosy with words and picky with what I say. I’m a big believer that our thoughts and our language directly affect the amount of joy and happiness we cultivate in our lives. I’ve spent over a decade studying personal development. Some people look at this field as “self-help B.S.” and these are typically the same people who refer to therapists as “shrinks”. Simply put, I’m probably not their cup of tea. I personally like all kinds of tea. It’s in my nature to examine my life, to foster a better sense of self and to learn tools on how to practice being ALL of ME as often as I can. I don’t believe …

bulimia nervosa

I Want to Recover From My Eating Disorder- I just want to lose some weight first!

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Hello Grace, Thank you for your letter. It’s the first time anyone has ever written me a question! I loved that when I asked about changing your name for this blog post, you said, “you can shout my real name from the roof tops! My illness is not my secret anymore.” Not having a secret anymore is what has kept me healed. I videotaped myself reading your email. I wanted you to be able to see my initial reaction to your words: x Here is my response. Dear Grace, Your letter melted my heart, a little love puddle of sorts. Thank you for taking the time to reach out and let me know that you FELT my words. I immediately feel connected to people who …

bulimia nervosa

Healing My Relationship with Food

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I was one of 17 Bloggers chosen to be part of Audrey Michel’s, Rewired Life Virtual Blog Tour. Sign up right HERE to receive all of this goodness in your inbox! Healing My Relationship with Food: Three snacks and two meals a day. Eat less and move more. It seems so simple, so commonsensical, but it’s not for people like me. Mealtimes used to be a savior and a nightmare wrapped up in the same dark cloak of shame. I no longer feel this way. I’m just shy of celebrating my third anniversary of healing a 24-year relationship with bulimia. For as long as I can remember, I’ve associated the words food and exercise with losing weight. I grew up in an era where dieting and weight loss …

bulimia nervosa

Bulimia Recovery: Creating my CHOICES Plan

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It’s been close to three years since I started healing my 24-year relationship with bulimia. I’m just now ready to take a stab at creating a formal meal plan. When you sign-up for in-patient eating disorder treatment, they do this for you. When you choose to heal on your own, you have listen to your body and respond to its needs. This takes lots of practice. No one is going to do it for you, except YOU. It’s not going to be easy. In fact, it’ll be the biggest commitment of your life. The words ‘meal plan’ and ‘food plan’ are triggering for me. They take me back to many years of food journaling for weight loss- tracking portions, food intake and calories. I wanted …