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How you give birth is part of being pro-choice too

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What’s up with all the labor and delivery stigma and mom shaming with progressives? It’s like, ok do anything you want for the first few months of pregnancy–vacuum that baby right out if you like! But as soon as you’re in the third trimester you’d better be “breathing” that baby out into a bathtub surrounded by candles or you are a terrible mother!!What’s really bizarre about it is all the people who barely know me, have 0 idea about my medical situation, 0 medical training/background, and 0 interest in having kids themselves are suddenly very keen on explaining to me how I should give birth, and making all sorts of crazy assumptions about people based on how they give birth (e….

body/self image

I love being a mom! Having a horrible 3rd trimester has made new parenthood seem like a breeze. I…

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I love being a mom! Having a horrible 3rd trimester has made new parenthood seem like a breeze. I was warned several times that being a new parent is incredibly hard. When I explained how pregnancy had become disabling, a few people responded by telling me I should “enjoy” my pregnancy while I could because being a new parent would be so much harder. Well, toward the end of my pregnancy I was already only getting 3 hours of sleep per night and hardly leaving the house, but now instead of it being because of pain, it’s because I have to take care of this cute lil bundle! Vast improvement if you ask me!I think again I was dealing with a preference for the male …