ED News

How I Finally Lost the Holiday Weight

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I have been feeling heavier than ever these past few weeks. My anxiety high and emotional fuse short. I knew this time of year would be hard – my first holiday in grief, but I had no idea just how much the heaviness would weigh me down. My grief has manifested in an array of emotions. And, like most people, I find it 10,000 times easier to lean the other way rather into the hurt. I have spent much of this year leaning into work, family, busyness or color coding my cute planner…basically ANYTHING to distract me from the real pain and hurt. My GaGa is not coming back. It has taken me almost a year to truly accept this. I have been waiting for the perfect…

binge eating

When life is just crazy

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Hi all! I’m going to take a break from my usual advice-focused posts and talk a little about my personal life. As some of you know, I’ve been in recovery from BED for over a year. I followed an approach mainly based on intuitive eating self-help books, individual and group therapy (including CBT), and many of the tips I’ve discussed in this blog (getting rid of food guilt, putting weight loss on the backburner, and eating mindfully). My recovery isn’t based on willpower at all (because willpower is a limited resource), and I almost never have binge urges. Recovery isn’t always a smooth path, but it’s mostly been wonderful … Until recently. I am now pregnant with my first child. And it has completely turned …

binge eating

Binge Eating Disorder & Perfectionism: Finding Center

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By Hilda Dulin Lee, BA, DMD, MLA, and author of In the Labyrinth of Binge Eating I am in recovery from binge eating disorder (BED). I have seen my enemy, and its name is perfectionism! Perfectionism is a two-edged sword A perfectionist sets high goals and strives to achieve them. That is not a bad thing. The human race, as well as the individual, benefits from the basic desire to always aim higher and higher, and has kept humanity moving forward for thousands of years. Robert Browning said it best: “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” If that were all, I’d be happy to call myself a perfectionist. Unfortunately, like so many others, I sometimes confuse the …


Yes, Recovery Really Does Get Better

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Pushing Through the Final Phases of Recovery I haven’t written in a while, you might have noticed. I relapsed, and I was too ashamed to admit it here. It was a quick, steep backslide, and the trigger was very specific: I weighed myself. I went home for Christmas and encountered a scale. I thought I […] The post Yes, Recovery Really Does Get Better appeared first on The Middle Ground.

body/self image

"It’s okay to be unsteady. You’re not doing a ‘bad job’ at recovery and it’s not a ‘setback.’ It’s…"

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“It’s okay to be unsteady. You’re not doing a ‘bad job’ at recovery and it’s not a ‘setback.’ It’s all part of the process and it’s totally, 100{7920e18cf5186565893a18d1f69fa52bf2806dc683a7bfcea51d671d2f7d8125} fine. Every journey that’s worth being on is a little messy.” – @samdylanfinch We are here for you 24/7 at 866-488-7386. You are amazing and you are never alone. (via thetrevorproject)

body/self image

NOURISH Body Image Workshop – Coming to Birmingham, AL May 7!

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Tweet Click here to register for our yoga + body image workshop on May 7 with Emilie Maynor Living at Villager Yoga in Birmingham, AL! Early bird tickets end soon! Agenda for the day: 1:30pm to 2pm – Check-in at Villager Yoga 2pm to 2:30pm – Energizing Yoga with Emilie Maynor 2:30pm – 3:30pm – Presentation & Discussion with Nicole Rohr Stephani & Emilie Maynor 3:30pm to 4pm – Break, tea & snacks provided 4pm to 5pm – Art Therapy 5pm to 5:30pm – Restorative Yoga & Empowerment Meditation with Emilie Maynor 5:30pm – 6pm – Closing Remarks & Giveaways We hope to see you there! Tweet

anorexia nervosa

2015: Lets do it fighters

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Happy 2015 lifers, It all started last Sunday when I wanted Thai food and I had no one to go with me. I didn’t want to get take out and have it cold when I got home. I saw a Thai food restaurant and was thinking that I should just go inside by myself, sit down at a table and take myself out to dinner. Um…just take myself out to dinner? alone? It’s something I have not done before. I’ve cooked for myself before, but I’ve never gone and sat down into a restaurant alone and ate. Never, ever. A lot in part because I know Ed would take a seat right next to me and learning how to entertain him as a …

anorexia nervosa

Seven hours in the life of an eating disorder mind

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I talk about self-love a lot. I write about it a lot. I instagram about it a lot. It’s kind of become who I am in my new recovery world.. I’ve been in recovery from my eating disorder for two years now. Naturally, I’m expected to love myself all the time, right? Naturally, I’m expected to not have any more eating disorder thoughts or negative self-talk, right? No. Wrong and wrong again. Maybe in our eating disorder minds that are wired for perfection, those things would be true. But in the mind of  a person in recovery, like me, where perfection no longer is an option to strive for, those things cannot be true. So, let me walk you through just …

anorexia nervosa

Not the only one to eat more than one cupcake

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Hello amazing fighters! I’ve been wanting to write a blog post for a while now and today I finally got the little voice that told me it was time. This past week’s experiences are definitely worth a blog post. It truly started on Tuesday when I walked to a local bakery with some of my co-workers for a video we are filming for work. Of course, I knew about this bakery, but they didn’t and they were so excited to check it out. After shooting the video, I felt like it was polite to buy something. And I was with my co-workers who have never been there before, so why not, right? Without question, it wasn’t part of my “Tuesday …

anorexia nervosa

the definition of recovery

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With thanks to FEAST for this post. They have spelt it out perfectly. Why add to it!? Defining Recovery The goal of eating disorder treatment is full recovery: living life free of eating disorder thoughts and behaviours. There is always hope, even for patients with chronic illness, but the best path to recovery is early intervention and […]

anorexia nervosa

no more meds

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Yes we are still here! But our journey means the blog is not something that now gets a lot of posts. I debated with making it an advocacy, education blog etc but that was never the point of this blog. There are better forums for the advocacy ED awareness but not here. This is our […]