binge eating

How to Heal Fear and Anxiety with Bach Flower Remedies

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How to Heal Fear and Anxiety with Bach Flower Remedies ?: This is my FAVORITE way to find which Bach Flower Remedy is right for you! Some of the lists and charts are over complicated an it is frustration finding what you need. In this listing Bach Remedies are broken into 7 emotional categories. Once you resonate with a category you can drill down into a more specific feeling and find the remedy that suits you at the moment. To make your personal combination: Place 2 drops of each of your current remedies in a 20 ml blue or amber dropper bottle. Fill the bottle with still mineral water. Label your bottle Take 4 drops up to 4 times per day. Keep combinations for up to 2 weeks. I highly suggest using 3 and 4 at…

binge eating

Spring Cleaning: Let it Go!

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I have a confession. There are clothes in my closet that I have not worn in many, many years. I look at those items most days and move through to the next article of clothing that I know I will want to wear. I know that having clothing that I do not wear can be an energy drain. The clothing that I do not wear have some things in common:They do not fit comfortably.I do not like the style or I do not think I look good in that particular style.They look old.I know having clothing in my closet that I won’t wear is not good for me. It reminds me of mistakes in buying that I made. It reminds me I wasted …

binge eating

Balancing Point

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At my gym there is this piece of equipment called a Bosu; a large half ball-half round platform that you balance on when you are performing different exercises. You can stand on the ball portion with the flat side down and as you stabilize your feet do exercise such as squats. You have to engage your core, arms, legs, and feet to remain on the ball. This exercise can be tough for me because if I am not centered and balanced, I will fall off.The same occurs in life; when I am not balanced, I fall down (metaphorically). I have found I need to have a list of strategies that get me back in balance as soon as possible. I am challenging myself to come…

binge eating

Have you lost that lovin’ feeling for you?

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February is the month we look to celebrate our love for another person. Often we focus so much on how we show love to someone else, it makes me wonder how loving we are towards ourselves. One of the most popular blogs on my website is one where I ask the reader to consider whether they are too helpful towards others. I think people click on that blog article because they think they are giving too much and they do not have time or energy to take care of themselves.Today, in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, focus on showing loving kindness to yourself. Put some of the love you intend to give to another back to yourself. Has it been a long time since you have…

binge eating

Writing: My Secret Weapon

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I am not a writer, per se, but I like to write. I have been on a few writing retreats lead by nationally known author Laura Davis. I learned from her that anyone can be a writer. Writing can be so healing, cathartic and a real way to figure out what is going on inside of me. She has taught me many tools and techniques for writing, which I share in my articles, with my clients, and they have been personally helpful and transformative. One of the first tips she taught me is- write. Just write, no matter how bad it sounds. Get the thoughts and words on the paper, editing is not necessary and is counterproductive in the beginning stages of writing. Here are some ways…

body/self image

Don’t Let Regrets Stress You Out or Push You Toward Food

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Many people get hung up on regrets. What they wish they’d had or done takes up more real estate in their heads than the lives they’re currently living. To dwell in regret is like walking down a street looking backwards. While making yourself miserable, you miss the only part of your life that matters: now. […](Visited 58 times, 14 visits today)

body/self image

Maintaining a Stable Sense of Self

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Many dysregulated eaters find it difficult to keep a stable sense of self at all times, that is, to hold a core, positive regard for themselves that is undeniable and unwavering—no matter what. With an unstable sense of self, you feel fantastic about yourself when you’ve done well or when people like and praise you, […](Visited 61 times, 38 visits today)

body/self image

Critical Fat Care: Recovering from a Concussion

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When you get into a car accident and you are Fat, a Woman and African American of Slave Decent, your experience is unique, to say the least. I still and always will believe that my life experiences as a Fat person, outweigh those of being a Black Woman. This could be different for other black […](Visited 20 times, 20 visits today)

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A Beautiful Way to View and Process Our Emotions

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We tend to look at our “negative” emotions as a nuisance at best or with anger at worst. We judge ourselves for feeling sad or lonely. We judge ourselves for feeling anxious. Often we just want these feelings to go away. Often we pretend they don’t exist in the first place. This is understandable. Maybe we weren’t taught to process our emotions. Maybe we’d simply rather feel good instead of heavy, weighed down and hurt. Again, totally understandable. And that’s hard. Because these feelings don’t dissipate. They don’t go away. In the new book The Self-Acceptance Project: How to Be Kind & Compassionate Toward Yourself in Any Situation, contributor Jeff Foster includes a beautiful passage on grief—one of…

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An Emotional First-Aid Kit for Navigating Life’s Storms

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When I used to struggle and go through tough times, I didn’t really know how to handle it. I didn’t know what to do. Because what do you do during a painful situation? Years ago, I’d try to eat it away. I’d berate myself for having certain feelings and get even more upset. I’d withdraw and spend a lot of time on the couch, flipping channels and feeling empty. I’d also feel hopeless and helpless and alone. I’d feel restless and lost and very uncomfortable in my own body. Of course, none of my actions—the TV watching, the criticism, the emotional eating, the isolation—were helpful. So what is helpful? First you feel your feelings. Whatever they are. The…