ED News

Baby Fat

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Looking through my old pictures, I was always a chubby faced child with pudgy thighs and a soft belly. To my Chinese parents, I was an adorable baby and toddler with pinchable cheeks and a voracious appetite for their home-cooked meals. They grew up in China during a time of food scarcity and wanted nothing more than to make sure their daughter had enough to eat. My mother fed me hot dogs, french fries, and ice cream to my heart’s content because these were seen as luxuries that only the middle class could afford. Then puberty hit during middle school, which is when they expected my baby fat to naturally melt off. Except it stayed and was joined by the development of larger hips and thighs. …

body/self image

Hey, it’s this Tumblog again! I took a really long absence from…

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Hey, it’s this Tumblog again! I took a really long absence from Tumblr due to moving and some personal feelings toward a large chunk of the Internet (the culture at least). However, I am happy to have found this one again, because it was really fantastic as it celebrated all body types, not just a small margin.I’ve been feeling more myself by dressing how I want, even if that means I get looks from people who wonder what the fuck I’m doing. I actually met a wonderful person where I currently live who inspired me to return to this style of dress, even if it isn’t for everyone and even if I am older than most of the people who might otherwise dress in a similar …