Taking The Initiative

Anorexia Nervosa Genetics Initiative is a global research study designed to help learn more about why some people have eating disorders and why others do not.

The University of North Carolina is recruiting 25,000 participants total, most of whom have (or have had) Anorexia Nervosa and about 8,000 individuals with no history of an eating disorder.

They are asking participants to provide some information about their medical and psychosocial history as well as to provide a blood sample. In order to participate, there are a few steps to go through.  

Since I am going through the process myself, I figured I would walk everyone through it to demonstrate how simple it is to join this study and help further Eating Disorder Research:

  • First, they will set up a phone to review the consent form. They will tell you more about what’s involved in the study, including some explanation about the risks and rewards of participating. The whole process won’t any more than 30 minutes and took me around 15 minutes.

  • Second, they’ll send you a link to a questionnaire to complete online.

  • Last, they’ll send you a kit with instructions on how to provide a blood sample (this can be done at your local lab or your doctor’s office).  They are sending a mobile phlebotomist directly to my house to draw my blood.  They will work with you too if your transportation is limited.  ?  

    North Carolina Tar Heels North Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar HeelsNorth Carolina Tar Heels

    If you happen to be local to North Carolina, they can set up an appointment for you to come into the University of North Carolina to have your blood collected there instead.  Regardless of how blood is taken, once we receive it they’ll send you a $25 Amazon.com gift card as thanks for participating.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, contact angi@unc.edu with the following information:

1 – your current age

2 – your time zone

3 – the best phone number to reach you

4 – your availability in the next two weeks for the phone call

GET MORE INFOFor more information, please call 919-966-3065 or email angi@unc.edu

Also: In order to participate in ANGI, you must live in the US, Denmark, Sweden, or Australia. 

If you live in Australia, contact the ANGI team there at angi@qimr.edu.au. They can provide you with all the information you’ll need to participate in the study.

Please, share information about this study with your friends.  

REMINDER: This study is open to healthy individuals who have never been eating disordered as well as eating disordered individuals.  Men and Women.  Eating Disorders don’t gender discriminate.  This is such important genetic research.  

The Causes of Eating Disorders are Myriad.  Genetics Play a Large Role.  

Please Help.  Participate.  


(c) Bulimia – SaltandPepperTheEarth – Read entire story here.