Teasing Girls About Weight May Cause Lasting Harm

FRIDAY, Nov. 20, 2015 — Teasing overweight girls about their weight can cause lasting harm to their self-image and might increase their risk of eating disorders, a new study suggests.
"Weight status may be a more sensitive issue for children who are overweight or obese, and being teased about it may elicit a stronger response from them as opposed to children who are not overweight or obese," Norma Olvera, a professor and health educator at the University of Houston, said in a university news release.
The research included 135 black and Hispanic girls about age 11 who were overweight or obese. Eighty-one percent of the girls were obese. All of them said they were unhappy about their body weight and wished they were thinner, the researchers said.
"The study focused on black…
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