Test Results Are In

This week I got back the results of my blood work from the appointment with my endocrinologist. The tests were for two purposes: 1) to determine whether my lifestyle changes alone are enough to keep my blood sugar in normal range. I’d been taking Victoza injections to help stabilize my blood sugar but had to stop using it when my new insurance declined to cover it. 2) to check my thyroid levels since I stopped taking Synthroid a couple months ago and switched to a selenium supplement to try and manage my levels. I have Hashimoto’s thyroid disease so it is important to keep an eye on thyroid function and go back on Synthroid if needed.


A1C measures average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months.
below 5.7 = normal
5.7 or above = “pre-diabetes”
6.5 or above = diabetic

In 2012, it was 5.3
Last fall, it was 5.4
In early February after several months on Victoza, it was 5.1
Now, with no medication, it’s 4.9.

So apparently my new way of eating plus my walking and biking routine are doing a great job of stabilizing my blood sugar! This makes me happy. I’d rather manage things through lifestyle than with drugs whenever possible.

TSH measures thyroid hormone levels. Although 0.45 to 5.10 is considered “standard”, Many people have hypothyroid symptoms within the standard range (I did). That’s what led to further testing that diagnosed my autoimmune thyroid disease.

In 2014 my TSH was 2.12 and I was put on Synthroid. It did relieve symptoms at first.
July 2015 it was 1.94 and I was still on Synthroid but symptoms had started to return.
This February it was 1.36. … the choice given now was to raise the Synthroid dose or go off it and try a natural route (selenium).
Now, it is 2.52. I still have elevated antibodies indicative of Hashimoto’s disease (which will never go away).

Feeling great and still enjoying my walks, biking, strength training and eating things I enjoy. We had a potluck this week where pizza was served; I had a slice with a lot of salad and a chocolate chip cookie. In general (at home and when eating at restaurants) I choose low carb foods, but I like having the flexibility to enjoy whatever is being served when choices are more limited. Tonight I am going to make some wild salmon and vegetables, and a fresh fruit salad of cantaloupe and watermelon. It’s been a great month! Here’s to another in May.

(c) Escape from Obesity – Read entire story here.