The Ancestral Food Summit 2015 – Perfect Health Diet

Once again this year, Joe Salama (with co-host Polina Sayess, M.D.) has put together a great collection of video interviews as a benefit for the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. The 11 hours of video were recorded at the Ancestral Health Symposium last summer.

You couldn’t get a better collection of experts:

You may recognize Mark Sisson, Sarah Ballantyne, Kendall Kendrick, Darryl Edwards, Nora Gedgaudas, Keith Norris, Rick Henriksen, Cate Shanahan, Stephanie Welch, Chris Masterjohn, Jimmy Moore, Josh Turknett, Kaayla Daniel, Lynda Frassetto, and myself.

Videos are free for selected times during the summit. My video and Lynda Frassetto’s will be free on Friday June 5 from 5 pm to 9 pm Eastern time.

If you miss talks, consider purchasing the whole collection. The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund helps maintain the freedom of small farmers to grow and sell healthful food, so your money will help support a worthy cause.

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