The myth about overeating that hurts you

The Myth About Overeating That Hurts You

Free from OvereatingWhen you’re stuck in the patterns of overeating and the emotional pain that goes with it, it may be hard to believe that there’s a solution.

In my opinion, you do not have a weight problem. You don’t have an eating problem. Calling things by their wrong names means the solutions and strategies aren’t gonna help. They’re trying to fix the wrong thing. No wonder everyone is struggling and the diet industry keeps getting richer.

I haven’t been writing much about eating issues or offering related programs lately. But because many of you are struggling and wanting more support, I want to help. I know just how painful the body wars are and have helped so many women (and myself) to break free, and I want that for you too.

In 30 years of working with women around these challenges (and seeing women truly heal) my approach is still unique, and my success rate high.

To get relief, it helps to know what you’re up against.  The weight and eating… red-herrings. Slapping yourself with the latest diet or faddish eating craze keep you from healing this once and for all.

~Like not knowing how to indulge in true pleasure. Forgetting to make life beautiful and sensual and fun…so food becomes the big party in your mouth.

~Like feeling too much, “empathy overload”, feeling others’ emotions and believing they’re yours. Absorbing it all and feeling….heavy…weighed down…drained.

~Like being able to express yourself honestly. Speaking up for your self. Knowing what you will say yes to and no to. Being able to speak your desires. Without apology or guilt.

~Like feeling not good enough. Never feeling like you measure up, not really, not deep down. Old shame and guilt, some of it inherited…sometimes it’s even ancestral.

~Then there’s the cruel perfectionism, trying to offset the feeling not good enough. The all or nothing thinking that goes with it.. you either have to do it “perfectly” or not at all. Perfectionism is a kind of striving that attempts to hide how not-good-enough we really feel. Like if we could just dress perfectly or be at the perfect weight, then we could really live our lives.

~Sexuality. This is big, and I believe it’s always related one way or another. I haven’t written a lot about this but maybe I should. For now just notice what’s coming up for you, and don’t judge, it’s valuable information. Whether it was unwanted attention, too much attention, or some form of trauma, it’s related.

~Or how about chronically giving too much? Not always knowing it’s too much. Trying to keep everyone happy, people-pleasing. Not knowing how not to, but aware that resentment and depletion pretty much always follow and the food follows that.

If you focus on the food and more deprivation and more “trying to be good”, your inner-truth teller is going to have a great big fit while telling you and your rigid plans and intentions to *&${0d9774446e5c1c486b14bfd00f317fb53ff44ec6f4ca4ad04b1a0b82436e9f13} off.

It doesn’t work, never has, never will but there are ways to get unstuck. And I am not talking about digging up the past or old-school therapy that takes years and years. No… this is very different.

Ways of being with yourself that I’m betting you’ve never tried. Perceptions and perspectives that soften things enough that you can hear your own guidance and become more of the expert….nobody telling you what to do or the way to do it. Simple practices that move you out of the hell of feeling out of control with food. Simple but powerful- make no mistake.

Feeling better immediately…not in months, but after our very first session. Yes really.

You’ll think that you’re the only one who this won’t “work” for but I’ve had some pretty amazing client success stories.

A binger and purger who stopped all of that- after 50 years!

A die-hard exercise fanatic (addict) who binged and beat herself up in ways that would break your heart.

A highly successful partner in a prestigious firm who was secretly using laxatives every night to manage her eating.

A woman who so hated her body that she wouldn’t let her husband near her…

Women who had no idea that some of the things they were doing in relationships were the real issue, and that the body-hatred and eating behaviors were only the side effects.

Women who had tried literally everything. Thrown money at absolutely everything. Without getting a speck of relief.

Honestly it breaks my heart- especially because I was one of those women for most of my life.

So I’m back with an offer to help you break free. Not in the ways you’ve tried before. Not with crazy amounts of exercise and deprivation. Not with the bullshit no pain no gain mentality… in fact very much the opposite.

I don’t want to create a one-size-fits-all program. What I would like is to invite you to have a deep conversation with me about all of this. And allow me to tell you what I see, where I think I can help, and propose something that will absolutely, and I mean absolutely, make a difference.

This is the kind of makeover that matters…and you’ll love it.

I am masterful at creating strategies, solutions and customized approaches for my beloved clients. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again… I am devoted to you.

Next step? Send me an email, Lisa at IntuitiveBody dot com and let me know that you’re serious about wanting some relief and freeing up some energy for truly living your life, beautifully, in your body, and in your relationships. We’ll set up a time to talk by phone or skype and I’ll create a program that you can get excited about.

I am opening 3 or 4 spots for this work in my calendar starting in May. I haven’t done this in awhile but some of the conversations I’ve had with current and former clients and others lately have moved me to act.

I’m here. I’m ready to help you and I know that I can. You just have to make a move and raise your hand. Email me back- even taking that step will feel like relief.

With so much love,

The post The myth about overeating that hurts you appeared first on IntuitiveBody.

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